Can you check the gay social networking sites where you have an account?
__ PlanetRomeo
__ LifeOut
__ Downelink
__ ManJam
__ Fridae
__ others (Indicate)
I'm sure most of the gays and bisexuals, and even transgenders, have an account in at least one, and surprisingly almost all. You might even put more than one site in the others portion. Even , yes you heard it right, can also be used a gay networking tool. A simple "hi" and "hello" in your chat box would end you up in bed.
While browsing profiles and mingling with people from these sites, you would eventually notice these funny things about Men from these gay social networking sites, or should I call it "hook up" sites. The following contains mature contents.
- People tend to view you more when you place S*X in your status, that's why I placed S*X in my status even if I'm not looking for S*X :) I gained 200+ views in less than a day.
- Some people will start with a simple HI then eventually ask if you could be friends, then will ask you for hook up :)
- Some will ask for your face pictures when they don't even have any, oh come on!
- Some people will place their birdie pics instead of their face pics.
- Some people would declare 1 or 2 inches longer than their real birdie size. Gotcha!
- Some will use pictures of good looking actors from Thailand or any other country and will claim that they are the one in the picture. Any one with more than 5 pics is believable enough.
- Some would declare that they are discreet and are looking for same, but when you meet them in person, hmmmm...
- Some will indicate TOP when in fact they misunderstood it as to looking for TOP since they are BOTTOM.
- Some would say that they are Bisexual, when they themselves don't know what the definition is. Again, try to know the definition first!
- Some people wouldn't want to talk with TRANSGENDERS. Really? Are they insecure because they can't wear fancy dresses? Hahahaha. Let's respect Transwomen! :) The way you want people to respect you as bi/gay!
- Some will say "How are you?" or "What's up?" as if they know you personally.
- Some people would indicate an age younger but when you see them in person, they are decades older.
- Some members will still ask you questions answerable by your profile like your age, and location. :)
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